Publish Date: 2023-11-02 15:14:19
CAS faculty are convening a wide range of sessions at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (Vienna, Austria and Online, 14–19 April, 2024):
AS5.10: Emerging techniques for diverse air quality applications in data scarce low- and middle-income countries (Convener: Prof Shahzad Gani)
ERE2.1: Energy Meteorology (Co-convener: Prof Somanth Baidya Roy)
ITS2.12/CL0.1.4: Qunatifying human health risks in changing climate (Co-convener: Prof Sagnik Dey)
OS1.4: Understanding the Indian Ocean’s past, present and future (Co-convener: Prof Saurabh Rathore)
OS1.10: Marine Heatwaves: drivers, impacts and interactions (Co-convener: Prof Saurabh Rathore)
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Block VI,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India