Research Facilities

Atmospheric Observatory

A world-class Atmospheric Observational research facility (Sonipat observatory) is currently equipped with six instruments in three focus areas: air pollution, climate, and weather. Instruments in place include Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS) with Optical Particle Sizer (OPS) and DustTrak, Time of Flight Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (TOF- ACSM), Aerosol Mass and Optical Depth (AMOD) Sampler, Greenhouse gas (GHG) analyser, LiDAR Ceilometer with depolarization measurement, and Automatic Weather Station (AWS) with multiple meteorological and solar radiation sensors. The observatory will soon be equipped with numerous other state-of-the-art equipment with the latest technology, such as radars, lidars, and mass spectrometers to study the atmosphere and climate system.

Check here for details: Atmospheric Observatory

Laboratory Facilities

In addition to the Atmospheric Observatory at the Sonipat campus, CAS has a state-of-the-art atmospheric observational research facility at the IIT-Delhi main campus. CAS laboratories include the instruments such as aerosol and gas analysers, Microptops radiometer, Aethalometer, Spirometer, Albedometer.

Computing Facility

The computing laboratories at the Centre are equipped with state-of-the-art desktop workstations for data analysis and visualization software. IIT Delhi has network backbone connectivity of 10 Gbps across the entire Institute. Computing laboratories at CAS are connected to the backbone through 10Gbps /1Gbps network switches. The following high-performance computing clusters and storage servers are available at CAS for conducting numerical modeling:

1) SIKKA : A 320 TB Storage-cum-data analysis server

2) KRISH: A 256 TB storage cum data analysis server

3) Storage Server: A 115TB data storage server

CAS researchers actively use the IIT Delhi High Performance Computing facility: IIT DELHI PADUM HPC SYSTEM


Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Block VI,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India
